Sunday, January 26, 2014

Journal 52 - week 3

Prompt: You Always Make Me Smile. ..
Although it took me all week to get this one done it wasn't because I wasn't sure what to do.  I knew instantly that it would evolve around texts from my hubby.  His texts always make my day! I didnt know how to incorporate a text and then BAM it hit me....print it out!! I loved working in my art journal this week!!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Journal 52 - Week 2: Somewhere a simple place

This week the prompt is Somewhere a simple place...and the first thing that popped into my mind is me sitting on a wooden bench just being me and recalling living a simpler life out in the country.  My life now is busy and a lil more fast paced than when I was growing up but I remember those days.  The days of farm animals in our back yard, vegetable gardens, warm sunny days and the smell of rain hitting the dirt.  I long for those days....where life was simple.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Journal 52 - 1st week

The first prompt is UP UP AND this is my take on it.  This New Years Day was the anniversary of my Wellita not being with is finally gettjng easier for me to celebrate the new year. I have only started in the last few years and she left this world over 10 years ago. I know she is always watching over our family and is our angel. She taught me that you dont need belongings or lots of money to be a good's all about love and how you care for your family. She was the strongest,  sweetest, most giving woman I have ever known....I could only hope to be half the woman she was. Thank you Wellita for being my angel.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Journal 52 - Creating My First Art Journal
I have decided to try an Art Journal!  Thank you Chelle for this free Art Journal class. I am so excited and thankful to my creative friend Shaunery Wharton for posting this on her Facebook.  I hope to be able to keep up with it and that it inspires others to try it.  Here is my cover so far....I am sure I will make some changes to it as my journal progresses. In fact, I have left the bottom right corner free for later.